Who We Are
A community centre with a difference!
For years young people had been looking for a place to relax and have fun with friends that is accessible and safe and there’s a real chance to take part and belong to an exciting new group!
St John’s Centre is in central Bexhill and is a special place for 11 to 24 year olds to drop in and chill out, chat, watch films, play football, basketball, table tennis, pool, console games, do band practice and hold concerts, parties and plays!
Not only that, but St Johns Centre is well used by many community groups. The Victoria Hall is liked by two different ladies keep fit classes, and also a men’s karate class uses the Hall. ESSPA use the Hall for their ballet classes and for their drama exams, and occasionally their annual awards. See the What’s Happening page for more activities.
One of the exciting developments of the activities at St Johns is that after ten years of using the building under a lease from the URC Church, they have now offered it to us to purchase the whole building.
Not only that, but the South East Baptist Association has awarded us the “Church Project of the year 2019”, and this has given us the opportunity to announce the work we are doing here at St Johns to all the Baptist Churches in the South East of England in the SEBA partnership.
For more information download the bulletin of September 2019 – click on this link: St-Johns-Bulletin-September-2019190905.pdf
Find out more about St John’s Centre by going to our Facebook page. Just join the Facebook page to get your updates on all the activities happening at St John’s Centre.