Alpha ? You’re invited.

You are invited to Alpha for a time of meeting people, great conversations, and talks that make you think. 

If you join us for Alpha, we won’t call you afterwards, write, or ask you to pay the bill – the ball is completely in your court.

Its all absolutely free. What have you to lose? 

You are invited to join us on Wednesday morning . 

We are starting the next course on Wednesday 19th January 2022, but this time it will be an “on-line” course, we will be using the Zoom virtual meeting system on your computer/laptop/tablet/phone.

The session will actually start at 11am and last for about one hour. But we suggest that you log on at about 10.30am to get to know the other members of the course. The session will include the live streaming of the Alpha Film Series episode for the week, and there will be plenty of opportunity for you to ask your questions.

If you would like to know more, and to register an interest in joining the course, please do phone us on 07780008135 or email to and we will provide you with the Zoom link and log on details.

You are invited.